Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Last Few Days and then smash in with Barbed-Wire

Tuesday and Wednesday were normal days for us. We interviewed and spent time with Susan all day on Tuesday. Got a lot of great video and she always makes it fun. Then on Wednesday we went down to the Nation and Jennifer spent time there while I walked around and got a lot of photos(with film sorry you can't see it). I also went to this photography exhibit on a Refugee camp near Somalia as well as one about the Tourang Tribe which is all over the northern Sahara. Both had some great images and were not only informative but also moving.
Then there was Thursday which was normal for most of the day. I took Jennifer down to the Nation and then did some more photography down there and then returned to our neighborhood. I spent a lot of the time helping this Tanzanian 17 year old who lives on the streets. A group of kids came with him including his brother who is 7. His brother has now gone off with some other people he says. That there had been fighting in Dar Salaam and him mother had sent them here. I have been bringing him clean water to drink as much as possible and now given him a pair of my shoes. He now says that he wants to go back so we are figuring out how he is going to go do so. I unfortunately have not taken any digital photos yet of him but i will get some soon.
Following I went back downtown to bring Jennifer back home and this is when it got interesting. We walked over to where all of the busses line up and we did not see our bus number 46 so we walked up the street. In less than a block we ran on to a 46 in the long line of busses. We got in line with the rush of people to get onto the bus. Unfortunately the bus began to move, people bunched up and I got out of the way. Unfortunately Jennifer got taken by the crowd and got taken into a fence that was around the the bushes behind us. She sustained a cut across her back from the barbed-wire and was incredibly startled from the event. Fortunately it was only a cut that she endured. Although we got no sympathy from the crowd or bus that sent her into the fence, we did get so from plenty of other citizens around. Fortunately she had gotten tetanus shot and there was no need to go to the hospital. We got home and I did my best nursing on the cut. Everyone will be OK.

1 comment:

Maggie Huggins said...

Yikes! I hope Jen's okay. Hopefully this is the one negative thing that will happen to y'all while you are there!